第三部分 西迁办学 颠沛流离









After the Japanese Invasion on July 7, 1937, the Polytechnic School of Peking University had to move to Xian. In October 1937, Xian Temporary University was founded based on Peking University, Peking Normal University and Peiyang Institute of Technology, etc. and its Polytechnic School combined Peiyang Institute of Technology and Polytechnic School of Peking University, including Textile Department and other 5 departments. In April 1938, the Ministry of Education issued the order to rename Xian Temporary University as Northwestern United University. In July, Northwest United University was restructured into Northwest University, Northwest Polytechnic University, Northwest Normal University and Northwest Medical University. Peiyang Institute of Technology, Polytechnic School of Peking University, Polytechnic School of Northeastern University and Henan Jiaozuo Polytechnic School were combined into Northwest Polytechnic University. Since then, the Polytechnic School established its school in Guluba, Chenggu, Shaanxi and started a steady period of teaching. The Textile Department of Northwest Polytechnic School was established based on Department of Weaving, Polytechnic School of Peking University, and most of its teachers were from the Polytechnic School of Peking University. Affected by the academic experience of Peiyang Institute of Technology, The Textile Department of Northwest Polytechnic University inherited its traditional legacy of learning style. During the eight-year Anti-Japanese War, the Textile Department of Northwest Polytechnic University was the only textile department among national universities and a cradle for senior textile technicians at that time, and thereafter it made tremendous contributions to Chinas textile industry.


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